Liquid Dye Penetrant Testing Syllabus
Dye Penetrant, Level I and II
I. Introduction
A. Terms and Definitions
B. Applications
C. Basic Principles
D. Types of Penetrants Available
II. Liquid Penetrant Process
A. Pre-Cleaning
B. Lighting
C. Application of Penetrant
D. Removal of Excess Penetrant
E. Application of Developer
F. Inspection and Evaluation
G. Post Cleaning
III. Liquid Penetrant Testing Methods
A. Testing Equipment
IV. Selection of Test Method
V. Advantages/Disadvantages of Methods
VI. Inspection and Evaluation of Indications
B. Factors Affecting Indications
C. Indications from Porosity
D. Indications from Cracks
E. Indications from Specific Material Forms
VII. Codes, Specifications and Standards
Course syllabus subject to change based upon specific requirements of Client and scheme of certification
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